I could write a song to make you feel fuzzy.
I could write a song to make you feel "f--- yeah" fist-shaking, good.
I could live far from LA and close to friends.
I could draw.
I could paint.
I could build a house.
knew a thing or two about politics
I wasn't so dumb.
I wasn't so "smart".
I could quilt.
I had a horse named shifty.
I was done with school.
I knew what I wanted to do with my life.
I wasn't so pessimistic.
I was more organized.
I had been there for people.
I knew how to fix stuff.
I played piano.
I could cook like an "iron chef".
I could make a mean martini.
I had enough land for me and shifty to run freely.
I could go to austria.
I could play soccer games every saturday, like the old days
K. did not have to work so much.
people didn't die, they just boarded a bus to the afterlife
scout and dixie could talk to me.
I ran a marathon once a year.
I called friends more often, just to see what's up.
I loved the kids I worked with more.
we all lived in biosphere II together for ten years, cultivating the land and our friendships, feasting on vegtables and wine; and a cow now and again.
That's a good list of wishes.
If you want to check one of them off, you and the K should come over for dinner post lent and I'll teach you how to make a mean martini.
If you want to know a thing or two about politics you could always ask Dan. From what I remember he always had some good insight.
I'll take you on an afterlife bus trip if you want
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