Saturday, August 04, 2007


Well Friends, August has begun, the bethancourts are well on their way to adventure, and my job has gone the way of the paycheck, at least for the next few weeks. The way I figure it, I have about three weeks to thoroughly vacate my mind before classes start and I must return to the unpleasant roll of student. So, here's what's in store...

Today, We begin our Gloyd Holiday. It is but a week, but this should suffice. Upon return Lady K heads back to work and I head off to...Delaware! I know. Sometimes I'm just that lucky. I'll manage a trip down to the district as well to see the fam. Nan keeps having "issues", so I'd like to get some good hearty Grandma lovin' before she leaves her issues behind. Pops has a new house, Sis has a new dog, and Mom for two days. I managed to steal away 2 days from the motha haters in my fam for some quality time. Granola boy (brother) gets no such visit from me as Boston is to far. Perhaps I should lose the nick name. He's on his second BMW, lives in the suburbs and his lady works in the financial district. No, He'll always be granola boy to me. When I was in the the hospital I dreamt up an idea for a comic book, with me and my brother as super heroes. The Adventures of Granola Boy and the Chemokid. I return to the LB on the Tues leading up to my birth. And on Sat (25) you will all come out to visit and celebrate this birth. It will be a glorious time. A month with Gusto. A Gusto month. August.

1 comment:

M said...

You are a saint.