Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Love Stinky, or a sweaty man lost in a big city.

I went running this evening. Lady K went dress shopping with her "getting married" friend. They locked the door behind them. I think they forgot about me running. I was sad when I got home. I felt homeless. I was hungry. I was thirsty. I was cold. Lady K was dress shopping with her "getting married" friend. I sat on the cold steps for an hour as the evening sea breezes picked up. I watched the the sun set on the lb skyline and thought how long dress shopping can take. last week they were gone for three hours. It's an hour and a half later and I am happier. Jacquie came to rescue me. Lady K is still not home. Like all good christian people, the bryants have clothed and fed.

To get even, I will climb into bed unbathed and snuggle with m'lady all sticky and stinky.


Anonymous said...

Life would've been better if I wuzn't going to an Angels game. I received the call on the way to spoken game and felt much hurt and love for my friend. I received message from my friend Keith but didn't return call knowing the circumstance with some guilt but knew the situation would be resolved somehow. I like the outcome. I look forward to your assistance this evening.

andy said...

first... did billy just type wuzn't?

second, you should've gone down to the pike to score some crack to kill the time

kcs said...

first... yes he's into clubbin' these daze.

second, my wallet was inside the house.

Andrew said...

man i love your blog. in all seriousness. it might be my favorite.