Tuesday, October 07, 2008

do I know you?

Boy Howdy, it's been awhile since I've been amidst many of you dear friends. I miss all of you. My missing extends beyond the 5 people who humor me with this narcissistic endeavor, I call a blog. ah yes self-deprecating narcissism....

We went to Hawaii. It was fun. pictures here.

Lady K and I will be running in the LB half marathon this Sunday. Come on out and chear us on. It starts at 7:30. If you come we will entertain you through out the Sunday afternoon with food and drink and beach and cards and walks and sitting on a couch and wii and hd tv and music and long over due conversation. If not we will probably go to costco and target and other such lame errands.

Time to go to work.

1 comment:

Seriously said...

sounds fun. i can't afford the marathon, but i've been training still and will be running six times around the lake by myself.