Saturday, September 26, 2009

of late

I went to the dentist recently. He looked at my teeth and said "Sh**, this is gonna take some work." He proceeded to chisel the 7 years of plaque off my teeth.

We now have two dogs. Ellie and Hannah. They are boxers. They do just that. On Monday, The girls got out of the back yard. They frolicked about, boxing all the while. While frolicking across the street, Hannah got hit by a car. We were not home, but nice neighbors heeded the call and herded the girls back into the yard, waited with them till Lady K got home. Hannah is recovering now and Ellie is bored. Both are bummed that their boxing has been put on hold.

1 comment:

Marvin Will said...

Arnold’s "man jaw" then should be "manly jaw." Did the dentist find out something like, you've got a misaligned bite (overbite, under bite, etc.?) What did he actually put there? TMJ is quite the hassle, isn't it?