Monday, May 21, 2007

Weekend update w/ KCS

The relations, as j likes to call them, were in town this weekend, and kid's were abundant. K decided that she will never have kids, and I decided that that scares me more then the thought of having them. I had good times playing with the 4 year old. Kids are so much fun, especially when they like you, and they aren't whining. People say the whining and crying isn't so bad when its your kids. But that just sounds like a bunch of BS. If I ever convince Lady k to crouch drop a baby or two, then our baby's will be super happy and will always like me. The four year old thinks Long Beach is the coolest place in the world. It has a beach and a whole bunch of big boats that just sit around out there. And the waves don't hurt.

I finished a long way down. I really enjoyed the writing, but then I got to the end and realized there wasn't much of a story. When I closed the book, i felt nothing. I think I prefer to feel something at the end of a book. When I close a book I like to feel like I've just been through something and come out on the other end feeling new. Like my world has been changed. Atleast for those couple seconds before you get up outta your seat and start doing the dishes or something. With all that said I think I liked it. I'm not sure why yet though, because of the whole closed book feeling I just discussed. I'll have to get back to you.


Seriously said...

as j likes to call them, were in town...

kcs said...

stop copying me!

amber said...

i didn't really like a long way down either. i guess there was a story, but it was kind of "eh". it was so so.

amber said...

p.s. i wish i would have started reading your blog a lot sooner because yours is the funniest.

Andrew said...

i don't really like nick hornby, and mine is the funniest. though you did say "crouch drop," which is funnier than anything i have ever said. score 2 you.

Anonymous said...

I agree, I enjoy yours the bestest...and "crouch drop" was a stand out description I will be taking for a test drive this week.