Sunday, March 16, 2008


After a hiatus from the outdoor adventuring, lady k and I are making a comeback. This afternoon we made our way up the cheeseboro canyon.

We began by fighting our way up the four-O-five, and cursing this blasted town. We ended our trip in much the same way.

The freeway, like driveways and parkways, is a falsity. It is a prison of aggression and aggravation. I'm suggesting a change in the names to "thisways and thatways". Driveways, let us call them, "and done".

So aside from the thisways and thatways, the Cheeseboro was beautiful, awesome, magnifisexy. I recommend it. Oaks, sycamores, rocks atop lush green hills. The Von Trapps would have poopied their knickers.

Enough chit-chat...let me show you.

We've just begun. I'm lost already.

sky blue k

the road




Matt Pool said...

lookin good. sporty.

Anonymous said...

I want to hike...
Ideas behind the Orange Curtain?

Seriously said...
